MON - FRI 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM

Sewer Overflow Claims

On January 2, 2002, Public Act 222 of 2001 came into effect. This new State law provides procedures to be followed in making a claim in the event of a sewage overflow or backup on your property. The following information is required to be provided, in writing, within 45 days of the date the sewer overflow or backup was discovered or should have been discovered:

  1. Your name, address and telephone number.
  2. The address of the affected property.
  3. The date of discovery of any property damages or physical injuries.
  4. A brief description of your claim.

Failure to provide this information within 45 days of the date that the damage or physical injury was discovered, or should have been discovered, will prevent you from being able to make a claim against the Charter Township of Orion for economic damages. The information should be sent to Bill Basigkow, Water and Sewer Superintendent, Orion Township, 2323 Joslyn Rd., Lake Orion, MI 48360.

Please Note: In the event of a sewer emergency, please call (248) 391-0304, ext. 8500 (Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) or (248) 858-4911 (evenings, weekends and holidays).

In the event of a sewage overflow or backup, you must contact Orion Township at the above listed number(s). They will check the sewer main to determine if the backup is in the main or in the service line. Any backup caused by the sewer main is the responsibility of Orion Township and a claim should be submitted by using the procedures outlined above. A backup caused by a service line is the responsibility of the homeowner and should not be submitted for a claim.