MON - FRI 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM

Water & Sewer

Water & Sewer Quick Links

Water Quality Matters

We all play a role in maintaining the quality of our drinking water. The Great Lakes Water Authority, local municipalities and customers are connected through a complex water infrastructure system that is designed to protect public health.

The Great Lakes Water Authority operates five water treatment plants that treat water drawn from Lake Huron and the Detroit River to meet Safe Drinking Water Act requirements. Our commitment to deliver the best water quality possible is evident in our use of proven treatment techniques and a comprehensive monitoring program. We set target treatment standards that are stricter than state regulatory requirements and test more frequently during treatment.

The 126 communities that receive drinking water from Great Lakes Water Authority operate a local distribution system that includes a network of water mains, fire hydrants and sometimes booster stations and pressure reducing valves. These communities keep water flowing through local piping at the right pressure, maintain pipes and valves, flush and maintain fire hydrants, monitor the distribution system for specific contaminants, and address customer concerns.

The nearly 4 million customers that receive GLWA water rely on this service each day to drink, cook, clean, flush toilets, wash clothes and water their lawns. Customers have a responsibility to maintain the plumbing in their homes and to follow steps to support good water quality. These steps include running water if it hasn’t been used for a while, cleaning faucet aerators and shower heads, and flushing hot water heaters.

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